Impact Calculator | KeepCup
KeepCup is partnering with Plastic Free Foundation to focus on single use cups this July. Type in the number of coffees you'd have in a month to see your impact. Download your impact calculator and share to socials. Of course our goal is not to stop on July 31. Our goal is not to stop.
#smallstepsbigdifference #keepcup
The difference we each make to the world can be profound. We’ve partnered with sustainability consultancy, Edge Environment, to help you quantify the impact of choosing reuse over single-use.
Simply enter your average coffee consumption below to find out how many cups you can divert from landfill with KeepCup.
Data for the calculator is from our third party peer reviewed Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) by Edge Environment. The LCA has been conducted to international standard (ISO 14040:2006) and is publicly available. The calculator compares using a KeepCup to using a single-use cup. An average single-use 12oz cup contains 9g of paper and 3.3g of plastic, including its polyethylene lining and polystyrene lid.
"What makes you feel better quickly is actually to engage in a positive contribution so that you bust through this myth that individual actions don’t count. You begin to realize the world is only made out of individual actions. It does count. It does add up.”
Christina Figueres Former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and architect of the international Paris climate agreement.

Looking to make your office 'single-use' free?