The 5 best reusable cups
From a brewed-at-home staple before you jump in the car to a spill-free commute after rush hour at the café, the way you carry your coffee and drinks is an important part of your day. Whether you’re a leisurely sipper or a frantic flat white-r, KeepCup has a cup for your life and style. But which KeepCup is the right one for you?

KeepCup Brew Cork
Perfect when you… have discerning taste
You know what they say: it’s what’s on the inside that counts. And with the Brew Cork that’s especially true. There’s no hiding your morning coffee order in this clear cup made from durable, tempered glass. (A win for the baristas trying out some new latte art.)
The band keeping your hands from the heat is made with sustainably harvested cork, makes the cup comfy to hold and even nicer to drink from, lid on or off. Cold or hot, the KeepCup Brew Cork puts your single origin taste centre stage, where it belongs.

KeepCup Original
Perfect when you… roam
If you’ve ever ranted against remakes or taken pride in liking a band before they hit the mainstream, the Original is for you. This is where it all began, back before we were a household name. It’s the KeepCup that started the reuse revolution; the world's first barista standard reusable coffee cup. The Original defined what we do and won fans around the world who wanted to help the planet – and helped them express their personality in the process.
Yes, it’s plastic, but it's the reuse that counts. It’s unbreakable and lightweight leaving you and your bag no excuse when the need arises to replace single use. Designed for your beverage of choice (including wine), it lets your snacking creativity shine (think hot chips, popcorn or roasted nuts).
Select your size, coordinate your colours (yes, DYO available), show your fan pride or sip from a 30% revenue shared, Sea Shepherd partner cup.
Trends come and go but the Original is forever.

KeepCup Thermal
Perfect when you… run hot and cold
There are days when you run on cold, hard efficiency and get everything done in a snap; when nothing can slow you down. And then there are the ones when you boil the kettle for a desperately needed cuppa, only to forget about it for three hours. KeepCup Thermal meets you anywhere along the spectrum.
This double-walled reusable cup has vacuum sealed thermal insulation to keep your drink hot (or cold) for longer. Perfect for travelling, long days or when you forgot about the coffee you ordered but need its powers for a mid-afternoon pick-me-up. Yes, we’ve all been there.
Thermal also gets the all-important snap of approval from baristas, who appreciate your respect for their craft, achieving the perfect temperature for your perfect brew, amidst the hurry of the morning rush.
Like a crisp, white shirt or good haircut, it makes you look like you’ve got everything sorted. (Whether that’s true or not isn’t any of our business.)

KeepCup Bottle
Perfect when you… are a clean fanatic
When you’re not scrolling through ‘CleanTok’ or googling what other feats of magic vinegar can do, you’re trying to make sure every new purchase you bring home will stick around for a long time. For that to happen, they need to be easy to clean.
With its high, tapered top, the KeepCup Bottle is the reusable way to sip water, slurb boba and experiment with icy concoctions.
Between every new recipe, just screw the lid off the bottle to give it a good wash. Screw it back together again to try another twist on your fave drinks. Did we mention it comes in a Thermal or Original option to better suit your lifestyle?

KeepCup Helix Kit
Perfect when you… live a full life
You’re a “let’s order appetizers and desserts” kind of friend, the one that always says yes to an upgrade and doesn’t let fear of a Monday steal any second of fun from their weekend.
Taking advantage of every opportunity for some single-use-free fun means saying yes to the Helix Kit. The modular cup-to-bottle system covers you for every drinking moment, from hydration on the hiking trail to the caffeine fix during your daily commute. Craving a slightly more extravagant coffee? Brew, twist on the bottle lid to your cup and get creative with your long, mixed, milky, icy or blended beverages. Rinse the cup base, top up with ice, fruit, twist on the bottle lid and top with water. The Helix Kit means you don’t miss out on any of it.
KeepCup Helix has already won an Australian Good Design Award in recognition of its outstanding design and innovation, picking up the gong in the Product Design category. The Awards celebrate the best new products or services from around the world that demonstrate excellence in professional design and highlight the impact a design-led approach has on business success and social and environmental outcomes.